
The website for TALC has been developed from ground up as a dedicated conference management system. Despite inevitable teething problems, the functionality of the site has facilitated multilevel communication and the organisation of many facets of this event. Without such a comprehensive tool, a small army of different applications would have been conscripted. 

Different levels of access make it possible for organisers, committee members, presenters and delegates to move differently in the same space. And while the bulk of its functionality facilitates preconference matters, it is also meant to be used by all and sundry during the conference, and even afterwards as a means of sustaining the community of interested persons, and to keep ideas alive.

Proposal submssion was one of the first 'behind the scenes' modules developed. In response to the call for papers, proposals are uploaded by potential presenters and the documents are automatically renamed to ensure anonymity. An organiser allocates the papers to two Committee Members who read them and then fill in an online form with scores according to set criteria. A comment can be added. A discrepancy between markers greater than 2 out of 12 signals the need for a third rating. Only the organisers can see the scores and comments. The results of this process then allow the organiser to send accept/reject emails from the system to the 'proposers'.

This is just one example of the system's functionality. It is under constant development and we hope that others will be interested in using it for their own conferences. 

Some specificiations

The website is in fact a conference management system. The system is able to automatically: 

change the original names of the uploaded proposal papers so the members of the committee cannot see who sent the paper in case some of the participants whose their own names for their files.

decide whether a proposal paper needs a third rater based on a mathematical algorithm which can be easily adapted.

decide whether a paper is rejected or accepted based on the same algorithm 

send messages en masse, to selected groups and to individuals.

The participants

must register on the website

can submit the proposals online

can edit their profiles:    

upload photo    

add a bionote

The organizer 

can assign papers to the committee members

can decide whether a paper is accepted or rejected overriding the automated accept/reject system

can edit all the pages that have variable information on them

can see a list of all users, their marks, papers (profile);

can view committee members' comments

The committee

can view & download assigned papers

can review and mark assigned papers

can add comments to any paper

but cannot view the original paper title as it is changed once uploaded

Quick Contact

James Thomas
Conference organiser
+420 549 49 7614

Jiri Salamoun
Conference Secretary

Costin Alexiu
Contact directly in case of technical problems.