9th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference
30th June – 3rd July 2010
Brno, Czech Republic
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Wednesday, June 30th |
09:30 | Build your own corpus Adam Kilgarriff (United Kingdom) Creating corpora from texts on the Internet allows teachers and students to engage with topic specific corpora. This workshop teaches the use of WebBootCat, a web-based program that allows such corpora to be built very rapidly. Issues of balance, filtering and text cleaning are also dealt with in reference to creating very large corpora. |
Pedagogic corpus tools for language learning; usage, deployment and maintenance María Sanchez-Tornel, Johannes Widmann (Germany) Participants will learn how to use to the BACKBONE and SACODEYL search tools and create their own corpora. Best-practice examples, including task-based activities, demonstrate important aspects of the language-teaching potential of these resources in web-based language learning scenarios. |
14:00 | Using Online Corpora - Corpus Query Language Explained Jarmila Fictumová and Petr Sudický (Czech Republic) The main thrust of this workshop is learning how to create complex searches using CQL to address language problems that ELF students have to deal with. In the process, participants will be guided in interpreting corpus data, discussing how this can be integrated into language and translation courses, and comparing five concordancers that interface with the BNC. Six other English corpora are also used. |
Speech Corpus Construction with Speech Indexer Ulrike Glavitsch and Jozsef Szakos (Switzerland) In learning how to create speech corpora with SpeechIndexer, the participants will segment audio files, create indices, mark up a speech file and create project files. The elaborate concordancing functions of SpeechConcordancer are then taught. The final part of the workshop will introduce a prototype of the new SpeechInterpreter software that can be used to teach and train translators and interpreters. |